Dear Momma Richie,
I have to assume that Richie has some of you in him. Probably more than you're willing to own up to. Someone who thinks as lucidly as he does must have had a role model. Now I know you think he's out there in left field with all this anti organization stuff, but face it... whatever doubts and frustrations you've expressed over the years he has picked up on and amplified. You would do well to listen to that part of you that asks, what am I waiting for? Jehovah isn't the slaughtering being I've had hammered into my head and that elder that is way off base couldn't have been appointed by God's spirit.
Keep communication open with the kid, you're about the most important person he's got to go to in order to keep him centered. I trust in your love for the big palooka.
Do what comes natural, Jehovah put it in you.